How to Add an Email Alias to Your GMX Mail Account

What to Know

  • Select Settings. From the E-Mail tab, open Create Alias Address. Choose Create New E-Mail Address.
  • Under desired name, type the name you want to use before the @ in the address.
  • Choose a GMX domain. Choose Check to see if your choice is available. If so, select Create.

In GMX Mail, you don't have to set up separate accounts for different interests, activities, and rules. You can set up alias addresses instead. Emails sent to these addresses arrive in your GMX Mail inbox, and you can send emails using the alternate addresses from GMX Mail.

Add an Email Alias to Your GMX Mail Account

To set up a new email address to use with your existing GMX Mail account:

  1. Select Settings in GMX Mail. Make sure you are on the E-Mail tab.

  2. Open the Create Alias Address category.

  3. Click Create New E-Mail Address.

  4. Type the part of your new email address in front of @ under desired username.

  5. Pick a GMX Mail domain under

  6. Click Check. If your desired username and domain is not available, try with a different combination. You can try a different domain or edit your desired username.

  7. Click Create.

    To make the newly created address your default in GMX Mail:
    Highlight the desired address under Create Alias Address and click Set As Default.

    The default address is selected automatically as the "From:" address when you start a new message; if you reply to (or forward) an email sent to a different address you use with GMX Mail, that address will be selected automatically instead.

  8. Click OK.

    To pick the email address from which a message is sent in GMX Mail click the email address (and, possibly, name) that appears next to From when you compose a message in GMX Mail and select the desired address from the menu that pops up.

    Woman overwhelmed with mail flying from computer
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